At the Bal Bharti Sr. Sec. School, we have strived to make our admission process as simple as possible to ensure that all prospective parents enjoy a stress free application experience. For admission in our school you have to follow below steps.
Step 1: Admission Enquiry
Step 2: Registration
Step 3: School Visit & Interaction with the Principal
Step 4: Admission Test
Step 5: Form submission & Fees Submission
Note: For more detail you can see admission procedure.
Our Guidelines
Rules & Regulations
House System
There are four houses in our school namely as:
- Blue Panthers
- Green Leopards
- Red Jaguars
- Yellow Tigers
Every student from class I to XII is placed in one of these houses. Each house is headed by one boy and one girl known as House Captain. A member of the staff which is assisted by other teachers (tutors) acts as a House Warden. Points are awarded to students throughout the year for co-curricular activities, games and sports. At the end of the year, the house gaining the highest number of points is awarded a running trophy.
Inter-House competitions are organized in Sports, Dramatics, Debates, Quiz, Art, Music, Dance and Environment related activities.
A school uniform is an outfit, a set of standardized clothes worn primarily for an educational institution. They are commonly used in each school. Uniforms help to change the attitude of those who are wearing them and also cultivate school’s pride. Dressing nicely also helps students to live up to their clothing. People tend to act differently depending on the uniform they are wearing. By creating a uniform specially designed for attending school, the attitude falls according to it. When student wears the school uniform the brain automatically knows that it is the time to focus and learn. Our school dress code is from class Pre-Nurs to XII.
Boys: White shirt and blue trousers.
Girls: White shirt and blue skirts (for junior Girls) and Blue kurta and white salwar with white dupatta (for senior girls)
All Students are expexted to wear tie, belt, plain blue socks and plain black closed-toed shoes.
On Wednesday and Saturday house dresses are expected to wear i.e. Boys will wear Red/Green/Blue/Yellow T-shirts according to their house which will be given by their class teacher with grey trouser and girls will also wear the same T-shirts with grey skirts.
Winters: All students are expected to wear the same but with a blue blazer.
- The school uniform is to be worn on all school days and on all occasion or functions organized by the school.
- Students who are not properly dressed and their general appearance does not confirm to such regulations as the school prescribes will be sent back home.
- Student’s accompanying their parents during PTM days should be in school uniform.
- Parents must see that their child adheres to the school uniform strictly.
- Wearing of fancy shoes, jewellery, having unruly hair and fancy hair clips will not be allowed.
- Girls skirts should be Knee length and boys pants should not be narrow than 14 inches from bottom.
Guidelines for Students
To maintain a productive and orderly atmosphere, here at Bal Bharti Sr. Sec. School, we expect the following behavior from the students:
- Students must be regular and punctual.
- They must be polite and respectful at all times.
- They must follow all rules and regulations.
- They should not do any kind of unruly behavior inside or outside in the school premises.
- They must maintain their books and notebooks properly.
- They should submit their class assignments and home assignments regularly.
- They must carry proper discipline in school.
- They should not damage school property and buses.
- They should be habitually clean and neatly dressed. Unifroms to be worn on ever occasion.
- It is necessary that students obey the monitor appointed by the class teacher to maintain discipline during teacher’s absence.
- Students should not bring any sharp instruments to the school.
- Shouting, whistling or use of abuse language is strictly prohibited.
- In the case of sickness for any period of time, a medical certificate be attached with the leave application.
- Children are expected to attend school regularly. All students especially those who are appearing in the Board examination are expected to log in a minimum attendance of 85% of the total working days in the academic session. As such no leave of absence is granted unless parents/guardians submit an application well in advance for absence.
- If the unauthorized absence exceeds a period of 15 days the name of that student is struck from the school and re-admission fees will be charged in case the re-admission is granted.
- Fees should be paid in a timely manner. Defaulter students will not be permitted to enter school premises.
Guidelines for Parents/Guardians
Our school attaches a great importance to discipline. Immorality and breaking rules and regulations is not tolerated under any circumstances. The following issues need attention of parents in this regard:
- Your ward is expected to be courteous at all times. He/She should respect all the staff members as well as students.
- We request that the parents regularly check their student’s diary and ensure the completion of the given homework or assignments.
- For any query, you can meet with the Chairman, Principal, Academic Coordinators and Teachers by prior appointment only.
- All leave applications should be sent in advance before the commencement of your child’s departure. Application should be addressed to the principal through the class teacher.
- In case of emergency, written permission should be requested from the principal for half day leaves.
- All unit Tests, Examination Papers and Report Card should be signed by the student’s Parent/Guardian.
- The school reserves the right to suspend a student whose performance in academics is consistently deemed unsatisfactory.
- 85% attendance in the session is compulsory to make your child eligible to sit for the final examination.
- Any communication must be countersigned by the parents for our confirmation that you have acknowledged it.
- Parents are required to immediately inform the school if there are any change of address, phone numbers and etc during the school session.
- Parents are requested to attend Parent Teacher Meetings (PTM) and discuss their ward’s progress.
- Fees should be paid in a timely manner. Defaulters shall not be permitted to enter school premises.
- If fees is not paid in the timely manner then the fine will be charged on the defaulters.
- Parents are also requested not too support their wards in taking leave after the completion of a Unit Test.
- Misbehavior on the part of parents/guardians with any member of school staff may also lead to withdrawal of the student from the school.
- If a student needs to withdrawn his/her name from the school, the parents/guardians of that student must submit a notice in writing, a month in advance.
- Transfer Certificate (TC) on withdrawal is issued only after all the school dues are cleared by the parent/guardian.