Expert Teachers
Smart Class Room
Computer Lab
Welcome to Bal Bharti Sr Sec School.
Welcome to Bal Bharti Sr Sec School.

Bal Bharti Sr. Sec. School is a progressive, child-centered and co-educational
English medium school. It has been established by Sh. Virender Singh on 15 Feb,
1995 and administrated by Ch. Turmal Singh Khatana Education Society, Sehjawas which aims to provide quality Education for all its students. It is formed with the primary aim of conserving the tradition of all religion and culture by establishing best level school resulting in promotion of good education in the country. The school is located in Sehjawas (Gurugram) which is just 15 minutes away from Gurugram city. Our school is permanently recognized upto Class 12 th and we offer Pre – Primary, Primary, Secondary and Senior Secondary School Education. The school is a rare blend of tradition and modernity.
From Chairman’s Desk

Today I have the privilege to say few words from the core of my heart. My heart has filled with immense pleasure as I perceive the progress being made at Bal Bharti Sr Sec School, Sehjawas. I am immensely grateful to all of you to make Bal Bharti Sr Sec School your favourite educational institution and supporting me in turning this institution as the best choice school which is affiliated from Haryana Board of Secondary Education, Bhiwani.
From Principal’s Desk

Life is the best school. God is the best teacher. Problem is the best assignment. Failure is the best revision.
Dear Students,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! Our commitment at Bal Bharti Sr. Sec. School is to provide a safe and intellectually challenging environment that will
empower students to become innovative thinkers, creative problem solvers and inspired learners.
Our Guidelines
News & Events
Latest Notice
In the Science Lab, Students will get the opportunity to learn science through hands on experimentation.It is essential for the students to receive laboratory exposure at such as young age to help solidify book work and readings done in the traditional class rooms.
The school has a seperate medical Room which has all the required medicine and all other things which is needed for first-Aid treatment
SMART CLASSES & Kindergarten
With the rise of information technology, we have been able to also revolutionize the classroom. Our kindergarten aims to mold each child into the amazing individual they were always meant to be. By encouraging each child to their highest potential…